- Articles submitted are reviewed on an on-going basis and authors are notified of the acceptance, rejection, or proposed revision of their manuscripts based on the reviewers’ recommendations.
- Preference is given to well researched papers that demonstrate deep and critical reflection on the subject under study.
- Quotations in ancient or African indigenous languages should be transliterated and translated.
- The article must not have been published elsewhere.
- The use of inclusive language is normative.
- Please use footnotes. Full bibliographical details should be provided for all references at the first citation, and short titles should be used in subsequent citations. Avoid the use of “ibid”, “op cit” etc. And no bibliography is needed at the end of the work.
- The length of the manuscript of an article, inclusive of footnotes, should be between 4500 (four thousand and five hundred) and 7500 (seven thousand and five hundred) words.